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  2. Sports Day Arrangements

Sports Day Arrangements

17 June 2019 (by admin)

Sports Day Information

Dear Parent / Guardian,


Sports Day is planned for Tuesday 18th June. 


FS & KS1 – 11.00am – 12.00pm

KS2 – 1.30pm – 3.00pm


Children should wear black PE shorts, trainers and white t-shirt. Black tracksuit bottoms and school sweatshirt should also be sent in, just in case it is cold. No football tops are to be worn.


Pupils should be collected from their class. School dinners will be available for those wishing to stay following the FS & KS1 Sports Day and they will be dismissed at 12.30pm. IF YOUR CHILD RECEIVES FSM AND ARE NOT STAYING FOR DINNER, PLEASE INFORM YOUR CLASS TEACHER.


Should it be sunny, please ensure your child is wearing sunscreen and has a cap. Please ensure any medication is available e.g. Inhalers etc., if required.


A notice will be placed on the school app and website should we need to cancel.


Mrs S. Kirkland

Mrs A McCracken