Our Curriculum

At Ballynahinch Primary School we aim to provide a rich and varied curriculum, carefully designed to benefit the whole child. Within this broad, balanced curriculum a focus on achieving appropriately high academic standards in Literacy and Numeracy will be maintained. We also actively promote the development of knowledge, understanding and skills across the full range of primary school areas of learning. The content of our areas of learning complies with the current requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum.

The six areas of learning laid out in the Northern Ireland Curriculum include:

  • Language and Literacy;
  • Mathematics and Numeracy;
  • The Arts;
  • The World Around Us;
  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding;
  • Physical Education.

 These will also incorporate the Cross-Curricular Skills of:

  • Communication;
  • Using Mathematics;
  • Using Information and Communications Technology.

Religious Education

Religious Education is a compulsory subject and, as required, includes class-based programmes of study and regular acts of corporate worship. Clergymen representing the local churches visit on a regular basis to take Assembly.

Within its Christian Ethos, Ballynahinch Primary School welcomes children of all faiths and none.

Some parents may not wish their children to receive formal Religious Education, either in the classroom or at Assembly. In such cases parents should contact the Principal.

Special Educational Needs

Ballynahinch Primary School and Nursery Unit will endeavour to identify and address the needs of all children who may require special provision during their school career. We aim to ensure that children with special educational needs, including those of very high ability, are identified as quickly as possible in keeping with current procedures and requirements. Appropriate structures and programmes are implemented effectively, where possible by members of staff, or with the help of external agencies and supporting organisations. We have a Learning Support Teacher (LST), who works in conjunction with the SENCo and class teachers to support children who may be struggling with a particular element within their learning journey.

Physical Education

All pupils are encouraged to participate in an energetic physical activity programme including Fundamental Movement Skills within the school timetable. Children are given the opportunity to participate in Gymnastics, Athletics, Dance, Games Skills and Swimming. Ballynahinch Primary competes in a range of sports against other local primary schools. Children have represented our school in football, hockey, netball, cross-country, cricket and other sports. We also regularly use coaches from the IFA and external agencies. Pupils wear a separate PE uniform for lessons.


An important part of our school curriculum, Music commences in Nursery with simple songs and percussion instruments and extends to recorders, harmony singing, guitar lessons and woodwind and brass tuition for the older children. Peripatetic tuition is available from qualified music tutors. An extension to classroom music is membership of the School Choir. The choir regularly lead assemblies and concerts within school and entertain at various functions in our local community and beyond.

Monitoring & Evaluating / Assessment

Ballynahinch Primary employs a range of strategies, both formal and informal, to measure the progress of all of our children. Assessments in the early years (P1 and P2) provide valuable baselines for each child and allow the school, where appropriate, to make early interventions with children who need additional support. Standardised tests, used from P3-P7, provide teachers with valuable information on the strengths and development areas for groups and individual children. This information informs teachers’ future planning. In addition, right across the school, Assessment for Learning techniques are deeply embedded. Learning outcomes are routinely shared with children and success criteria agreed with them. Children are regularly involved in target setting and self and peer assessment. Parents are invited to attend a parent/teacher consultation in Term 1 and Term 2 of each year to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. Foundation Stage teachers also regularly conduct class observations, taking note of children’s learning or any difficulties they may be experiencing. 

Safeguarding and Child Protection / Pastoral Care

We adopt a positive approach to discipline expecting pupils to behave in a responsible manner by showing consideration, courtesy and respect for others at all times. This standard of behaviour is expected both inside school and on their way to and from school.

Teachers enjoy good relationships with the pupils, have high expectations of their pupils’ work and provide a curriculum and teaching methods well matched to pupils’ needs. We also provide a school counselling service on a weekly basis to our Upper Key Stage 2 pupils, which provides children and parents who are experiencing concerns, worries or difficulties, the opportunity to talk about those issues.

The school has an experienced Safeguarding team, comprising of a designated teacher for Child Protection, a deputy designated teacher for Child Protection and our Principal. Together with the assistance of other staff, they work hard to ensure the safety and well-being of all the children in our care. Robust policies are in place, which are supported by thorough Safeguarding and Child Protection procedures. The pupils have an opportunity to be selected to serve as ‘Playground Friends’ and School / ECO Councillors. Each month the staff nominate a pupil in each class as ‘Pupil of the Month’ which is presented in a special Assembly.


Homework is an important part of school life and parents in Ballynahinch Primary School are most supportive of their children by ensuring that it is done carefully and to an acceptably high standard.

Homework is important because it:

  • consolidates schoolwork
  • develops the children’s interest in learning
  • builds motivation and positive habits for learning
  • keeps parents informed about work ongoing in school

The amount of Homework will depend on the age and stage of development of the children but will invariably include reading, spellings, number facts and, as the children get older, written homework from Monday to Thursday. Pupils may also be encouraged to undertake further research at home on particular topics being studied at school.

Educational Visits

Educational visits are a valuable component of the primary school curriculum, offering numerous benefits that complement classroom learning. These experiences help to stimulate curiosity, and foster holistic development for our children.  Educational visits (and visits to school by 'special people' such as the school nurse, the police etc.) ensure that learning is dynamic, experiential, and rooted in the real world, laying a strong foundation for lifelong curiosity and understanding.

Here’s a glimpse of some of the rich educational experiences and encounters that a child will have in each year of their time with us at Ballynahinch Primary School,

  • Mini's Music

  • Stay & Play with our Shared Education partner school, St Patrick's, Ballynahinch. 

  • Streamvale Farm

  • Montalto Park

  • Debbie Dolittle

  • Visits from 'People Who Help Us'

  • Ballynahinch Library

  • The Pantomime at the Grand Opera House with St Patrick's, Ballynahinch.

  • Mount Stewart

  • Belfast Zoo

  • The Folk Museum, Cultra 

  • Swimming Lessons

  • Stormont Parliament Buildings

  • College Open Days

  • Residential for P6 & P7