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  2. Book Amnesty

Book Amnesty

12 October 2018 (by admin)

Please return any school books.

12th October 2018


Dear Parent/Guardian,

Unfortunately, a large number of our school books go missing year after year. As we do not have the funds to replace these books we have decided to hold a Book Amnesty in an attempt to recoup some of our losses.

Could you please carry out a thorough search at home for any school book? Reading books, library books, text books are all important to us and we would love to have them returned.

Any books found at home can be placed in the Book Box which has been placed in the foyer at the front door of school for this purpose.

All books will be gratefully received, no questions asked.

Thank you for your support in this matter and hopefully our stocks will be replenished.

Yours faithfully,

Ms. Eakin  

Literacy Co-ordinator